
La Grande Mosquée de Paris

La Grande Mosquée de Paris is the biggest mosque in France.  It was also the first mosque built in France (1922-1926, to commemorate the French Muslims who died in WWI).  It contains a prayer-room, a school, a library, a bathhouse, a tea room and a restaurant.  It is also about two blocks from la fac (the university).

Today I went for lunch with a friend, and we felt like we had stepped into a different world.  I had a delicious tagine with chicken, onions, almonds, and plums.

There were birds flying around the ceiling that swooped down to pick at crumbs after people left.  It was charming.

This may or may not be a total tourist attraction; I'm not sure.  For me, it was just a convenient lunch spot.  Go have a mint tea there if you have the chance.

مع سلام,

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